New Member Announcement
To All SYC Members,
Our SYC family has grown.
Please give a big SYC welcome to Anne Racel and Erik Saether. Anne and Erik will be at a future Club event to receive their burgee and new member packet. Stop by and say hello when they are at the Club.
Anne is a software developer who has been doing it long enough she works with kids who weren't born when she started. She started sailing with one of her daughters with lessons at the Langley Yacht Club when they still offered such things. She then found that someone she worked with had a sailboat and was looking for crew. It's been downhill ever since.
Erik is of Norwegian heritage. Need I say more? He was first on a sailboat as a kid, and swears his dad used to drag him along to go sailing on whatever the latest boat was at the time. He nearly drowned in lake Michigan when dad's latest boat split a seam at the bow in the middle of said lake. At that point sailing became his not favorite thing to do. He still sails with Anne occasionally to humor her.
Please give a big SYC welcome to Jonathan Kurowski and Katherine Jacoby. Jonathan and Katherine will be at a future Club event to receive their burgee and new member packet. Stop by and say hello when they are at the Club.
Hello, I am Jon Kurowski. My spouse, Kate Jacoby, and I live in the Newport News area. I work in the marine industry on a tugboat and have had a love for fishing and being on the water from a very young age. I like to spend my time in nature when I' m not working. Kate works in marketing and enjoys spending time with our 2 horses, dog and cat. Kate and I share love for boating and horseback riding.
Sandy Hopkins
SYC Membership Chairperson